A Guide
to Monuments,
Memorials and
Burying Grounds
In Wellfleet
Zenas J. Adams, Jr. | Edward B. Lane, Jr. |
Ethelyn H. Atwood | Alexander J. Lussier, Jr. |
Ester F. Bell | Arthur E. Lussier |
Fred S. Bell | Fred Moran |
Richmond R. Bell | Alvah L. Murphy |
Edwin C. Berrio | George W. Murphy |
James A. Berrio, Jr. | Malcom I. Murphy |
Norman F. Berrio | Clarence M. Murphy |
Laurence E. Cardinal | Cecil E. Newcomb, Jr. |
Albert R. Carey | Robert E. Newcomb |
Franklin P. Chase | Raymond E. Nickerson |
David Chavchavadze | Lillian V. Pentinen |
James G. Curran, Jr. | Thomas R. Pickering |
William H. Dalby | Leonard A. Price |
Earl Daley | Allan R. Putnam |
Alice F. Daniels | Robert W. Putnam |
Edmund A. Davis | Wilbur R. Rockwell |
Letitia O. DeGroot | Donald F. Rose |
Julian A. Dickey | Lawrence J. Rose |
Paul C. Dyer | Charles R. Silva, Jr. |
Alfred A. Faust | Clayton E. Smith |
Benjamin E. Freeman | Emerson R. Snow |
Norman W. Gill | Howard K. Snow |
John T. Hall | Kenneth A. Snow |
Charles T. Hatch | Martti I. Suomi |
Lois L. Higgins | Walter A. Taylor |
Edwin I. Hill | William W. Taylor |
Walter J. Hill | Eino A. Thompson |
Lucille G. Horton | Wilfred J. Trahan |
Althena M. Howland | John Wiles |
Elwood M. Howland | Rudolph L. Woidell |
Fred A. Howland | Norman C. Young |
Hernaldo R. Kelley |
Everett G. Adams | Paul J. Lussier |
Franklin J. Adams | Donald P. Moran |
Floyd F. Atwood | Arthur J. Murphy |
Robert H. Atwood | James Murray |
Oliver L. Austin, Jr. | Paul G. Murray |
Arthur F. Bacon | Edward A. Nickerson, Jr. |
Clarence J. Berrio | Chester W. Nimitz, Jr. |
George E. Berrio | Kenneth E. Paine |
Richard L. Berrio | Miriam M. Pentinen |
Thomas A. Cosgrove | Wallace I. Pierce |
Clifford H. Dalby | Joseph J. Redman |
Willis A. Dill | Earl G. Rich |
William K. Dyer | Elisa Robbins |
Berkley A. Eastman | Edward R. Rose |
Frederick G. Eastman | Wilbur H. Ryder, Jr. |
Ronald G. Eastman | Charles R. Shuster, Jr. |
Charles M. Echeverria, Jr. | Clarence S. Smith |
Durand Echeverria | Eugene F. Sullivan |
Charles E. Frazier, Jr. | Elwood S. Taylor |
Henry P. Gill | John P. Tiernan |
Clifford M. Hatch | Martha H. Underhill |
Alfred L. Hill | Ansel A. Valli, Jr. |
Clifton P. Hopkins, Jr. | Virginia M. Valli |
James R. Howland | John N. Wade |
Charles W. Huntley | Walter S. Wade |
Franklin A. Lane | Arlie L. Wiles |
Theodore J. Laubacker | Wilton L. Wiles, Jr. |
Edward E. Lombard | Frank A. Wiley |
Winfred M. Baumgarten | Robert W. Lombard |
Russell F. Berrio | Jordan Orr |
Leon E. Dayon | Howard R. Pickering |
Daniel Dorey | George G. Pierce |
Luther J. Ellis | Wilfred E. Rogers, Jr. |
Warren L. L. Ellis | William F. Silva |
Anthony L. Ferreira, Jr. | William A. Snow |
Sherwood M. Fisher | Ansel A. Valli |
William E. Joseph | Ben Wolf |
Leander E. Dorey | Kenneth L. Rose |
Cyril W. Downs, Jr. | Cleveland L. Farnham |
Paul L. Chavchavadze |
“Far out on Boundbrook Island is a cemetery of Lombards. They each and everyone died of small pox, and the fear that this dread disease might be wafted along with their departing souls prompted family members and neighbors to deny them interment in the old South Truro Cemetery where they rightly belonged.” *
* I Heard The Mighty Ocean Roar, E. Lombard, 1978
South of Town Center:
South Wellfleet:
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